Stephan Grimmelikhuijsen (UU team) will gladly represent TiGRE at a symposium entitled "Hoe zorg je voor vertrouwen in toezicht van de burger?" ("How to ensure public trust in regulation?") organised with the Inspectieraad (Inspection Council) in the Netherlands on 17 November 2022.
This workshop aims at sharing the latest scientific insights on the relation between regulatory agencies and public trust with the employees of various Dutch Inspectorates.
As part of this workshop, Stephan Grimmelikhuijsen will deliver a presentation entitled "Zorgt “streng maar rechtvaardig” toezicht voor meer publiek vertrouwen?", which can be translated as "Does “strict but just” regulation result in more public trust?". He will focus on the key results from the TiGRE Work Package WP5, published in the research report D5.2 entitled "Effects of regulatory instruments and enforcement styles on citizen trust" (available here for download).