The TiGRE Library

The TiGRE library makes the scientific results of the project available to you in various ways.

  • As a research project, TiGRE publishes results in peer-reviewed scientific journals and other non peer-reviewed venues, and delivers presentations at various scientific conferences
  • The findings are also translated into policy recommendations published in a series of four policy briefs.
  • Our webinar series on 'Trust & Regulatory Governance in an Age of Crisis' features presentations from outstanding speakers. TiGRE organises various events to maximise outreach and impact.
  • TiGRE also makes detailed reports – called 'deliverables' – available, if they can be made publicly accessible. These 'deliverables' are reports to the EU funding body on the results achieved for one or more project tasks.
  • The 'Publishable summary' is the project summary for the EU funding body and the public, cumulating the status of the project every one to two years.

Policy briefs

Download the TiGRE policy briefs which translate our key research findings into policy recommendations.

Executive Summary of
the TiGRE white paper
September 2023
Trust in regulatory regimes and
agencies: stakeholder interactions
September 2023
How can regulatory agencies
build and repair citizens’ trust?
Trust in regulatory agencies:
experts and citizens perspectives
Assessing social and political
trust: a systematic review

Scientific publications

Discover our scientific publications.

How do elite core actors assess trust in national and EU authorities? The varying role of generalised trust at different governmental levels.
Comparative European Politics (2024). doi: 10.1057/s41295-024-00400-9
Does enforcement style influence citizen trust in regulatory agencies? An experiment in six countries.
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory muae018 (2024). doi: 10.1093/jopart/muae018
Trust and distrust in public governance settings: Conceptualising and testing the link in regulatory relations.
Journal of Trust Research 1–30 (2024). doi: 10.1080/21515581.2024.2383918
How trust matters for the performance and legitimacy of regulatory regimes: The differential impact of watchful trust and good‐faith trust.
Regulation & Governance rego.12596 (2024). doi: 10.1111/rego.12596
What drives trust in regulatory agencies? Probing the relevance of governmental level and performance through a cross-national elite experiment on EU regulation.
European Political Science Review 1–18 (2024). doi: 10.1017/S1755773924000080. Archive: IRUA
Regulators as Guardians of Trust? The Contingent and Modest Positive Effect of Targeted Transparency on Citizen Trust in Regulated Sectors.
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 34, 136–149 (2024). doi: 10.1093/jopart/muad010
Trust and Distrust in Regulatory Governance – White paper integrating the results of the TiGRE project and developing scenarios and recommendations to maintain and restore trust.
1–12 (University of Lausanne, 2023).
Varieties of regulatory regimes and their effect on citizens’ trust in firms.
Journal of European Public Policy 1–25 (2022). doi: 10.1080/13501763.2022.2134439
A research agenda for trust and distrust in a multilevel judicial system.
Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 1023263X2210960 (2022). doi: 10.1177/1023263X221096026. Archive: Institutional Repository Universiteit Antwerpen (IRUA)
Vertrouwen in de overheid tijdens de COVID-19-pandemie: een vergelijking tussen meerdere overheidsniveaus.
Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement (VTOM) 1 (2022), p. 45–60 (2022). Archive: Institutional Repository Universiteit Antwerpen (IRUA)
Methodological report on the TiGRE project expert survey: Designing the multi-actor, multi-sector, and cross-country survey on trust and distrust in European regulatory governance.
(ARENA Centre for European Studies - University of Oslo, 2022). Archive: ARENA Publications
Trust, but notify.
UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab, (2022).
Bridging the gap between facts and norms: mutual trust, the European Arrest Warrant and the rule of law in an interdisciplinary context.
European Law Journal 27, 167–184 (2022). doi: 10.1111/eulj.12436. Archive: Institutional Repository Universiteit Antwerpen (IRUA)
What drives compliance with COVID-19 measures over time? Explaining changing impacts with Goal Framing Theory.
Regulation & Governance rego.12440 (2021). doi: 10.1111/rego.12440. Archive: PubMed Central
Trust, Coordination and Multi-level Arrangements: Lessons for a European Health Union.
European Journal of Risk Regulation 11, 790–799 (2020). doi: 10.1017/err.2020.97. Archive: Serval

Selected scientific presentations

TiGRE is regularly represented at key scientific conferences and workshops.

KEynote martino

Keynote presentation by Martino Maggetti at the TiGRE Final Conference, held as part of the 2023 Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance

Presentation slides

Link to the conference

Workshop with the Dutch Inspection Council

Workshop with the Dutch Inspection Council, incl. a presentation by Stephan Grimmelikhuijsen entitled "Zorgt “streng maar rechtvaardig” toezicht voor meer publiek vertrouwen?" ("Does “strict but just” regulation result in more public trust?")

Presentation slides

Link to the conference

EGPA by Uni-Speyer

Presentation by Moritz Kappler at EGPA conference within the TiGRE panel session, with a preliminary paper on "Trust within EU multi-level regulatory regimes – theoretical reflections and experimental evidence"

Presentation slides

Link to the conference

AECPA by Libby Maman

Presentation by Libby Maman at AECPA conference as part of the TiGRE panel session, with a paper entitled "Assessing the Democratic Deficit of Regulatory Authorities: A Cross-country and Cross-sector Comparative Perspective"

Presentation slides

Link to the conference

ECPR by Libby Maman 2nd talk

Presentation by Libby Maman at ECPR conference within one of the three TiGRE panels, with a paper entitled "Varieties of Regulatory Regimes and their Effect on Public Trust in Market Actors"

Presentation slides

Link to the conference

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Public deliverables

Deliverables are reports to the EU funding body on the results achieved for one or more project tasks.
Report on trust in government, politics, policy and regulatory governance.
David Levi-Faur et al.
Report on meta-analysis of empirical trust studies and data sources
Libby Maman et al.
Report on a regulatory regime perspective on trust and the analysis of the regulatory regimes’ structure in the involved countries
David Levi-Faur et al.
Research report describing levels of trust and distrust among actors in the regulatory regimes and analysing the drivers thereof
Tobias Bach et al.
Research report on the findings of the statistical analyses and comparative case studies on trust/distrust, interactions and effects on performance and legitimacy
Koen Verhoest et al.
Report on the impact of formal design of policy regimes for improving trust in regulation
Jacint Jordana et al.
November 2021
Research report: Effects of regulatory instruments and enforcement styles on citizen trust
Marija Aleksovska et al.
February 2022
Research report: Citizen perceptions of regulatory instruments and enforcement styles
Marija Aleksovska et al.
February 2023
The role of the media in generating trust and distrust among regulatory actors
Andreas Munk-Hansen et al.
How regulatory agencies media communication affects citizens trust
Marija Aleksovska et al.
December 2022
Communicating for generating trust by and through the media
Anne Toftdahl Pedersen et al.
December 2022

Publishable summary

Download the latest project summary detailing the status of TiGRE as prepared for the EU funding body and the public.

A description of the project,
including the results achieved so far
Jan 2020 – Mar 2022

Webinars and events

The TiGRE consortium is eager to inform, raise awareness, foster public debate and create engagement by organising various events and webinars.

TiGRE second Stakeholder Forum meeting
Brussels, Belgium & online – 23 March 2023
TiGRE Young Scholars' Workshop
Utrecht, Netherlands — 9 June 2022
TiGRE first Stakeholder Forum meeting
Online – 10 June 2021
TiGRE Webinar Series "Trust & Regulatory Governance in an Age of Crisis"
November 2020 — March 2021
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870722 (TiGRE).